Reading roundup: Deflated footballs reportedly confirmed, State of the Union recap

Here’s a roundup of 10 or so links to catch you up this morning — and to catch me up, too, because my free time to read anything but research has decreased to about nil!

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Reading roundup: Deflate-gate, Cincinnati overpass collapse, State of the Union pregame

Today our high temp in Indianapolis might reach 50 degrees — woot!

Here’s a roundup of 10 or so links to get your morning started:

Continue reading “Reading roundup: Deflate-gate, Cincinnati overpass collapse, State of the Union pregame”

1st week of grad school: I survived the door muffler and other stories


The unfamiliar piece of black rubber tacked onto a closed door’s latch was the most tangible of the many obstacles I faced during my first week of graduate school. But it was far from the first.

As I reflect back, here’s what I’m cringing about the most.

Continue reading “1st week of grad school: I survived the door muffler and other stories”